Saturday, January 2, 2010


Hey parents, family, and friends,

This is Brittne (one of the Hillel staff members on the trip). Everything has been going really well in the Holy Land and everyone is having an amazing time. We just finished our relaxing shabbat in Jerusalem and I wanted to let you know that this will probably be the last post of the trip. Unfortunately I have to leave Israel today to go home due to a family emergency, and I own the laptop that we've been using to post our blog entries on.

Everyone is doing well, enjoying the Israel experience, and really bonding as a group. All of the students will have many stories to tell and pictures to show when they get home!

Happy 2010! I hope all is well back in the states.


  1. Sorry to hear that, we hope everything works out for you and your family. Dan and Rachel are having a fantastic time!
    The Gurneys

  2. We hope all turns out well with your family and thank you for keeping us updated. Lauren has been in touch and is really enjoying this excellent opportunity. Thanks again for everything and have a safe journey home.
    The Singer's
