Monday, December 28, 2009

First Full Day in Israel

After an 11 hour flight on El Al, we arrived in Tel Aviv! We had an awesome orientation with a Birthright group from Boston University, and met Diron from Sachlav who told us all about the Taglit program. After we got settled in our hotel in Tiberias, we got a sababa (AWESOME!) and needed sleep. Today, we hiked near the northern borders and learned about the history of the Israeli-Lebanese conflicts. Also, we went to the Galil Mtn. Winery on a kibbutz! Tsfat was awesome because of the history and great scenery and Jewish mysticism! GO ISRAEL!! :D -Scott Sincoff '13

After a long first full day in Israel, we are currently relaxing in our beautiful accommodations at the Astoria Hotel in Tiberias. Today we hiked Mount Heron, visited the Galil Winery, and toured Tsfat. We are tired from jet lag but in great spirits, and we're so excited to continue our journey around Israel! -Ariel Bucher, '11

So after the flight, we met our tour guide! His name is Shabat! It's like the day of rest! He is cool and very knowledgable! We also have a cool security guard named Avi, he has a big gun, but we can't touch it or take pictures with it, but that's okay! Our hotel is cool too, but it definitely is not the kind of hotel I am used to. *shadypalmtree* The hike was super fun! We saw lots of trees and fungi! Yay exercise! Then we had wine at the winery and it was fermented and grapey! Yay! In Tsfat, there was lots of trinkets and dodads and candles, all of which was really unnecessary to buy but people did anyway! Yay candles! In conclusion, it was super fun! Yay super fun! PS- Eho mom. - Lenny Haas, '12

Stay tuned for more!! Shalom!

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