Friday, May 18, 2012

Day Five: Tel Aviv

Hello from Tel Aviv! We're currently en route from Tel Aviv back to our hotel in Jerusalem! Our group started out the morning in Jerusalem with a speaker from Hebrew University who talked to us about the many conflicts facing Israel today. Our group was joined by the other two birthright groups that are staying in same hotel as us for the remainder of our time in Jerusalem. After the speaker finished, we hopped onto the bus and drove about an hour to Tel Aviv! Upon arrival we were given free time to walk around the shuk (or market place). The shuk was filled with vendors selling everything from fresh fruit to underwear, and everything in between. Some of our braver group members tried the fresh and exotic food that the vendors were selling. Next, we headed over to Independence Hall where the document declaring Israel as its own Jewish state was signed in 1948. We watched a video highlighting the important moments that led up to the historic signing, and then sat in the very room where it was signed. We got to spend the rest of the day at the beautiful Tel Aviv beach which has much softer sand and warmer water than the Jersey shore. After about two hours of splashing around and working on our tans, our group found a shady spot to sit together and talk about our previous Shabbat experience in preparation for tonight. Tonight, there will be 5 different options for Shabbat services, including a meditation session and a "why I'm not at services" service. Shabbat Shalom! Danielle Denisenko

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